0xma Cyber Security Articles

September 29, 2022

Bypass PHP URL Filtering to Perform LFI Attack

In this tutorial, we will see how to bypass URL filtering to read local files on the target system. I will use some custom PHP code to explain the backend logic and how it can be bypassed. And at the end we will use a simple Bash script to read local files from the target using the terminal without having to use the browser.

This is the main page of the website. The 'page' parameter in the URL takes a filename which it will display. In this case, it is 'default.html'.

Main page of the web application that reads a file.

Trying to browse the root page of the web application redirets us to '/index.php?page=default.html'.

The web application redirects when trying to access the root page.

Following the redirect displays this PHP code. It is filtering '../' and './'. However, it is very easy to bypass it.

PHP code used to filter filenames passed to the URL.

We can see that in the first line, 'Are' is filtered from 'HowAreYou'. And the output is 'HowYou'. And in the third line, I have squeezed an 'Are' inside the 'Are'. The end result is 'HowAreYou'.

PHP code to demonstrate the input filtering. PHP code to demonstrate the input filtering.

I have used the same code from the web application. We can see that using '.....///' equates to '../' after filtering is done which is what we want in order to perform directory traversal.

Bypassing the PHP code to perform directory traversal attack. Bypassing the PHP code to perform directory traversal attack.

Using the filter bypass technique, we are able to read the /etc/passwd file.

Reading the /etc/passwd file.

Reading the /etc/passwd file.

This is a simple Bash script that allows us to read files by just passing in the filename.

Simple Bash script to read the files. Simple Bash script to read the files.

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