0xma Cyber Security Articles

May 15, 2022

Retrieve GMSA (Group Managed Service Accounts) Password

In this tutorial, we will see how to retrieve the password from a GMSA (Group Managed Service Account) account. After retrieving the password, we will see how to use the credential to run commands with the privileges of the GMSA account.

This and this page contains more information about GMSA and how to retrieve the password from this account.

We have to explicitly ask for the value of the 'msDS-ManagedPassword' attribute. It is important to use this attribute because the wildcard (*) will not show this attribute.

Getting the service account with the Get-ADServiceAccount with the msDS-ManagedPassword attribute.

It first saves the blob in a variable and then it decodes the data structure. We can see that the 'msDS-ManagedPassword' attribute of GMSA contains a sequence of bytes. It is binary representation of the 'MSDS-MANAGEDPASSWORD_BLOB' data structure. The 'MSDS-MANAGEDPASSWORD_BLOB' structure is a representation of a group-managed service account's password information.

Viewing the MSDS-MANAGEDPASSWORD_BLOB data structure.

We can see the values of the individual 'CurrentPassword' and 'SecureCurrentPassword' fields.

Viewing the CurrentPassword and SecureCurrentPassword fields.

Let's use the 'SecureCurrentPassword' field to create a credentials object and use that object to run the whoami command. It shows that the command is being run as the 'bir-adfs-gmsa' user.

Creating a secure password object to run a command as another user.

Using the credentials of the GMSA account we are able to change the password of another user that is part of the domain admins group.

Changing the password of another user using the gmsa account.

Now we are able to login to the target using the user account whose password we changed.

Logging into the box using wmiexec.py.

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